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Download Ese Baba By Estique (Video + Mp3)



Ese Baba By Estique Mp3 download

Versatile international prophetic gospel Music minister and a talented songwriter, Olanle Adeniji-Johnson most known as EstiQue has released the long anticipated music video for her hit single “Ese Baba” which means “Thank You Father” in Yoruba.

EstiQue is a multifaceted individual, proudly wearing several hats: a dedicated wife, nurturing mother, and a skilled health care professional. Yet, it’s in the place of worship that she truly shines. She channels the guidance of the Holy Spirit to create soul-stirring, divine melodies

“I lead a blended worship service. My style of worship leads God’s people to adore, praise, give thanks and help the congregant to express how they feel in a place of worship. I have an adaptable skill set and leadership capabilities, which has enable my worship ministry to grow. I am responsible for leading and developing the music ministry in my local church. This includes planning and leading worship services, writing and composing new songs, and training and coaching other musicians in the congregation”, she said.

“ESE BABA” is a song that was inspired by the birth of her son who God blessed her with after waiting for 10years.

“It was almost like it was never going to happen because even the doctors gave up on me and asked me to go and adopt a child because my womb can’t carry a baby but then God showed up in a big way. He put laughter in my mouth. Erased the reproach and made me a mother. I told God I would sing His praise for the rest of my life. ESE BABA is a song of adoration and thanksgiving to God. Expressing how God has been good to me, keeping me and proving Himself to be a prayer answering God”, EstiQue.

Watch Ese Baba By Estique Video Below;

Click the link below to Download Ese Baba By Estique:
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LYRICS: Ese Baba By Estique
Nigbati mo sun
Mo wa gbo ohun
Eyi to so fun mi pe
Ki ma beru Ki ma foya
Pe Jesu lolugbala mi
Owun lolusho aguntan mi
Ki ma beru Ki ma foya
Pe Jesu Lolupese fun mi
Owun nikan loba tin ma sin
Ti ti ayeeeee

Baba baba baba eku ise mi 2x

Amazing Grace
How sweet that sound
That saved a wretch like me
I was once lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I can see
It was by grace that I’m still here
And grace my fears relief
How precious did that grace appeared
The hour I first believed

Baba baba baba eku ise mi

Connect with EstiQue on Social Media:
Facebook: EstiQue ministry
Instagram: @estique_ministry
Youtube: @EstiQue-Worship

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